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burning bush by Matthaus Merian copy.jpg
Moses & the Burning Bush
       by  Matthäus Merian the Elder
       From his 'Icones Biblicae', 1625.


Dear Reader, 
The Purpose of this Website is to make the doctrine, Spirituality, and Culture of Classical Protestantism known to a post-Protestant world. 

'A post-Protestant world?' you might ask, 'But Protestantism is everywhere! Look at the Growth of Mega-Churches. Look at Christian Media. Look at Christian Music. There are Protestant Churches on every corner.
That was somewhat my thought also when I first heard a friend use the phrase 'post-Protestant '. But it did not take much convincing on his part before I agreed that what today is so often called 'Protestantism' is not Protestant at all. 
The Theological Convictions of Protestantism are unknown to many nominal Protestants today. The Classics of Protestant Spirituality go largely unread. The Musical, Literary, and Artistic heritage of Historical Protestantism has been abandoned. 

This leaves much to be desired. And it is no wonder that so many now are leaving Protestantism to join the Roman or Eastern Churches in an attempt to satisfy their hunger for Beauty, in-Depth Thought, and a link with the Past.  
We feel that it is mainly Ignorance of our Protestant Heritage that has brought on this Crisis. 
Therefore, it is our meager effort to dispel this Ignorance both by making our forgotten Heritage known and by cultivating it in Fresh ways for the 21st century. 
It is our Conviction that the historical Protestant Faith is the Truest expression of Biblical Christianity; when sincerely practiced, It best balances the Direct Experience of the Individual with the Divine  and  the True Catholicity of the whole Church throughout all Ages. 

We Pray, by God's Spirit, you will be both convicted and Comforted by what you read here, that an Awe for the Beauty of God will Enthrall your Heart & Mind, and that your Life might be increasingly Conformed to the Image of our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ. 
Welcome to Sylvanus Urban & Co.
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